See the salary of government employees whose salary increased by 25 percent, ie is it?

he government spending plan for the monetary year 2073-074 to people in general. The financial backing reported by the legislature has turned into the most appealing and staff compensations brdvi subject. 
The legislature has expanded government employees pay rates by 25 percent. Not just that commitment based benefits framework must be. Subsequently the appropriation of the legislature as they work to Josh brdvi staff compensations and vitality has been sprout. The compensation brdvi most the lowest pay permitted by law 13 thousand seven 80 battling bahidara pay expanded to Rs 22 to 17 thousand, two hundred. 

Office right hand has developed from 17 thousand seven hundred and 10 has achieved 22 thousand, one hundred and 37. Likewise, pioneers, has developed from 14 thousand 6 hundred and 70 thousand three hundred and 37 has achieved 18. Customer has developed from 17 thousand seven hundred and 30 thousand one hundred 62 to Rs 22 has been come to. Correspondingly, 18 thousand eight hundred Nayab Subba has developed from 23 thousand 5 hundred is come to. 

Officer has developed from 24 thousand to 30 thousand four hundred and five hundred is come to. Thus, the sub-secretary of the 27 to 70 has developed from three hundred thousand to Rs 34 thousand to two hundred 12. Of joint 32 thousand, a hundred thousand, a hundred 37 to 10 ascended from 40 said the secretary came to 41 thousand a hundred and Rs 30 to Rs 12 is expanded to 51 thousand four hundred. In the interim, the administration has issued open concern are expanded bajetasamgai costly.