48 workers stranded in Saudi

KATHMANDU for employment in Saudi Arabia have reached the 48 Nepalis stranded. Saudi Arabia 10 thousand Indians stranded 48 Nepali stranded when the news coming from the news. About seven months old Saudi bhaniejasto they work in Nepal and stranded due to lack of salary Nitaqat company said. 

Monthly salary and food for the three hundred and 12 hundred riyals and living facilities, saying they would cough up a million to Rs 85 per capita as Saudi manpower management Deepak Ghimire said the victims are submitted. 

The company living room, dining Raajya law, including those who are in trouble. Capital Thevictims jebiara Associates pralimarphata those 6 months in Saudi had gone. 

Nitaqat hayalama sanapha International called the labor supply company General labors have gone They Saudi reached the three months working and working overtime money had not said. 

The company had gone 54 Nepalis 6 people Company left illegally and the remaining 48 working days if the company's labor camp In spite of the roof is described. Stranded in Nepal, he found the amount they serve, want to return to Nepal said. They migrant Nepali society for food assistance by collecting money from Saudi Arabia are doing. 

Get the news Nepalis stranded in accordance with the situation is becoming complicated. Many young people are alapatramadhye Tarai. Saudi Arabia to send them to contact the recruitment chief Deepak Ghimire in Nepal could not be contacted when the workers said. Ghimire workers to know that the memo was the search for a Saudi Embassy of Nepal Ram Prasad Sapkota employee told the phone trying to contact.