The deadline to submit a report running out of manpower

Like in the past years to determine this year to scrap a lot of manpower during the annual report of Department of Foreign Employment Entrepreneurs should be seen in action. Foreign Employment Act 2064 Section 80 Records and reports the end of each fiscal year heading the organization License letter within thirty days before the annual report due to submit a department shall submit to that provision. But only a few companies are recruiting on Sunday, the August 30 deadline to devote your company's departments have submitted reports.

Last year, a lot of manpower companies to scrap the scheduled time report about the department had fined Rs one lakh. According to media reports the company is currently recruiting department of foreign employment 7 hundred and 56 workers were sent to the company, reported the Sunday are only half the manpower. Nepal Foreign Employment Entrepreneurs Association member organizations in this regard is the time aware of the incident.

Act manpower company bujhaekoe records department at any time to inspect, Workshop and test may mention that the pativedana unsatisfied with Article 54, according to the Department for the first time alert, the second time, fifty thousand rupees and the third time the same offense reiterated ¥ Yaima a million rupees fine and can cancel the license law.