The ship swept Karnali, both the pilot and co-pilot survived (Video)

Kathmandu: Makalu Air plane accident in Humla Thursday Surkhet while coming. Suddenly the ship's engine failure after flying near the Karnali River during an emergency landing accident.
Land Force Karnali river Yangtze to mean that the ship collided thiyojahajabata pilot and co-pilot was taken out safely. The ship collided near the Karnali River is the river floodwaters.

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Pilot rescued and airlifted to salvation kopalaita both mauntenasahita brought by Yari crimson Air Captain Vivek Khadka said analainasamga telephone. Bibekale captain said, "both have been injured are out of danger." 

9 An AKC call sign of the vessel Simikot airport, 3: 40 pm was aboard. There was nothing wrong time aboard Engine. Sange aircraft pilot and pilot Lama Shah Pacific only. While the ship was transported back to the same states- Surkhet. 

To rescue Cardinal Air Captain Vivek said, "and pilot the ship Karnali river swept chapailata strangers we are brought into relief by Yari. Riding is safe. " 

Regional Police Office Surkhet Parbati Madhav Kumar Nepal and the security team that now has reached the site.