Class 11 can enroll in the stout D plus brought to

The exam results within a week of public office to prepare

May 30, 2073- The Council of Higher Secondary Education Certificate examination concerning D plus all the preparation has brought the students to take admission only.

Science toward those who wish to read the SLC English, Science, Mathematics C plus to bring the provision that the Council source said. C Plus means 50 to 60 percent.

Humanities, education, management faculty to study at least 1.6 Great Point and all the arrangements concerning De Point is going to bring, Sharma said Council Vice consciousness. "Science and technological edge to the theoretical and experimental study of non-ordinary to disrupt the item be brought to order at least D plus're going to," he said. The decision by the Council on Monday that what grade lyaekalai devote your recruiting plan a public announcement. 1.6 Great Point to bring all concerning UAE is 30 to 40 percent to bring it.

Technical rushed SLC exam students have enrolled in the class 11 can be arranged to bring all the 10 Concerning which is a plus. Similarly, in Class 11 student enrollments will receive 70 percent of the grade point praveva test and 30 per cent by number intransa get the test has been divided. The same rules apply to take the test council chatrabrti doing.

The government is doing Grading system yasavarsadekhi SLC results. A plus to email results will be made ​​public by splitting up. Two bisayasasamma D grade comes up again: the ability to get the opportunity of test day because of all the Council concerning the provision to bring about de plus Sharma said. The exam results within the first week of June the Office of the Public Ministry said.