India's legislature oath in Nepali language!

India's Assam state assembly member ejensi Kumar Limbu, have taken the oath in Nepali language.

After winning the assembly elections held a few days of taking oath during the Limbu including assembly members took their oath of matrbhasama.

Her heroine, established as a popular assembly member and Assam anguralatta dettale also have uniforms oath in Sanskrit language.

About 1 in 20 of those, including members of the Assembly, including its own native Indian sancaramadhyamaharule said the oath taken.

Limbu Nepali origin Assam Assembly members themselves wanted to take the oath in their mother tongue even have an explanation.

Limbu and detta behalf of both the Bharatiya Janata Party won the assembly of members.

Assam legislature seats, up from only 1 hundred 26 Bharatiya Janata Party won 86 seats and a majority hoped to secure a place is kept.

In recent years, everywhere linguistic identity adequately recognized and widespread during the debate, including the Limbu language of the Assembly members who took oath.