Saddam had eliminated thousands of Kurds, learn about such dictators

International desk. African country of Chad's former dictator Hisen Habre was indicted for war crimes. Accused Habre of 40,000 killings have been sentenced to life imprisonment. However, it is not a first dictator. The world has witnessed worse dictators. North Korea's Kim Il Jonm whether these or the Libyan Muammar Gaddafi Tanashahr.

The 21st century is one of the well-known leaders. Saddam Hussein Kurds, Shabks, genocide against the Assyrians and other ethnic groups had made. It was also used against the Kurds Chemical Weapons. More than a million Kurds were killed.

North Korea's current leader Kim Il Jonm country is accused of starvation, in which millions of people have lost their lives. Thousands of people, including children in these times was imprisoned in a labor camp. The country's governance is still considered one of the most repressive regime.

Gaddafi has ruled the country for 40 years. To speak out against the government in Libya did not approve of. Any damage to the reputation of the government for spreading news was a life sentence. Corruption and Human Rights from the military intervention in the governance of their tales of abuse are common.

Iran's top leader say on non-violent opposition to the arrest of the round will be remembered forever. These activists working for women's rights or the religious minorities are all included. In 2008 alone, the government had to say on the government of the world, the teenagers were beheaded. The law of 15 boys and girls at the age of 9 can be sentenced to death.

Than Shwe spent nearly 20 years in charge of the country is considered extremely bad ruler. Their rule when Burma was hit by Cyclone Nrgir half million people had lost their lives, while 20 million people had lost their homes. He is charged in place of late in sending rescue team to the affected areas, because they were rigging the elections for the new constitution.

After his father Hafez al-Assad, Bashar's handling of the country's power. His rule is taken away from the people the right to live a normal life. Bashar's Secret Police Force, taken up cudgels against the rebels. As a result, since 2011, is facing a civil war in Syria. Syrian army and security services, and the general public against the rebels making use of tanks and rockets.

Since 1980, the country's democratically elected Mugabe power handling. It is said that once a province of the vote in elections, Mugabe denied fabricating the story of 20 thousand rebels were killed. Mugabe has ruled the country since independence, and the country's economic situation in the round is torn. 3.1 million from their homes, jobs, and jobs are lost.