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Rich reader, UAE sarja. Security guards work in the UAE said they had taken for 35 Nepalese manpower Witch 9 months ago from the company and for the rescue of the agreement had not yet tabala avudhavi MTUC Nepali embassy have requested. Security service 10 months before they get to Dubai leader who went to work with. Saying 10 months ago compromises the amount of food given and, more recently, even nakhiieko spend their petition is mentioned. 

Overseas himaraba Kathmandu and Nepal menapabaraddhara went enasiepha assume their extreme labor exploitation has said. Nepal is going to "The 26-day monthly tabala 17 hundred and 81 Dirham tabala day, noting that lack of sleep and months to 30 days, according to tabala work 12 hours to take it with the company's 200 and 300 tabala month's petition have mentioned. 

Complaints about the problems of the UAE Labour Court to cancel the agreement when the company threatened to return to Nepal jarvajasti she said. Nepalese embassies about its labor attaches to the diamond Yadav also informed that they vatauchan. 

Addressing this situation fraud emerging leader security service companies, other workers have received information about filling in choosing to stop saying there are also urged victims. More recently, they get 20 days to come up with 40 men from the chamber 2 by the company's behalf, and until recently had not come in contact with anyone vatauchan.