Saudi Arabia 40 million foreign workers in shortage

Kathmandu-Saudi government has brought 40 million foreign workers, reducing the policy. Nepali major labor destination countries, Saudi Arabia depends on oil economy, the objective of correcting the policy of giving priority to employment in their own countries and are brought. "Saudi Vision -2030 'under the name given to the policy, the Saudi government has set the goal of foreign workers pararnibharata. 

Oil price slide had come Shreehari strengthen the economy, saying the new employment policy for 2030 Sawut be taken. According to the Saudi government plans to gradually reducing foreign workers in various sectors of karyarata. 

The specified period of employment Sawut 40 million indigenous citizens are made ​​to plan. Saudi government and private companies, and 40 million within 14 years of public employment to citizens and directed the work is. 

The Saudi many Nepali workers in the private sector is karyarata. The last time the country became the first Nepali labor destination Nitaqat if the plan is successful and be the greatest impact on Nepali labor market. Saudi generated during the last economic downturn may affect the Nepali labor market has already begun. 

Almost 80 million Saudi citizen in these areas if the job is not easy in the present studies have shown slow progress. However, the Saudi government views it is determined. 

The Saudi Arabian every 3 million citizens are eligible to come to the labor market. However, nearly a million jobs only 5 thousand people deserted road. Now about 64 million Saudi Arabian citizens are working in the field within the various areas. Only 16 percent of private companies working -Meetings are indigenous. 

Sawut telecommunication sector has begun to act to remove completely foreign workers. Beginning next September, except for Saudi telecommunication sector of the country are not working. It was directed odious policy making. 

Now, free technical training in order to recruit to its citizens by means of the telecommunication sector is ongoing. However, shortage of skilled workers in this policy katiya companies have reached a state of closure. 

Similarly, the Ministry of Health Nitaqat the next 14 years, the health sector has been the target of foreign workers hataisakne. A million Saudi citizens employed in the health sector and this plan is ready. 

Citizens trained manpower needed for the health sector, thereby removing migrant workers are attracted to take the claim. 

Now -Meetings 81 thousand 5 hundred doctors working in different hospitals are. It is mentioned in 1 9 thousand only native of the news. A million 65 thousand of the 61 thousand 5 hundred nurses are only a Saudi citizen. 22 thousand 4 thousand 5 hundred only one optician -Meetings the Arab News said. 

Medical working in the field of 68 9 4 thousand 9 hundred thousand domestic workers, who 9 .Knowledge. Now, the government has made ​​plans to work as migrant workers in 2030 tossed out.