Foreign employment assistance to return to the airport, TV-laptop smuggling

July 30, 2073- foreign content comes with an electronic facility to bring the merchant customs evasion abuse have increased in the event. A set of 6 months citizens living abroad laptop, television, bringing such content shall not abuse the merchant NFL aiding the customs evasion and smuggling of goods increased in order to be found. 

They use the per capita of Nepali migrant compelled to wear a luggage and they have views of the airport and the airport bahirielagattai collection Govinda Niraula DIG said. 
Police brought in from Thailand on Saturday arrested three telibhijanasahita Mahesh Gurung. Thai Airways passenger who he brought to the company's television vimanasthalabahira Samsung collecting cases arrested by the police. 

Airport parking Arrival getabahira saw on television collecting the inquiry, one man opened three televisions, "said DIG Niraula," such measures to be adopted for customs chalika sober businessmen come to take television are arrested. "

August 9, police in the airport parking ksetrabatai Samsung 8 LED television said the bomb was found by customs was enrolled. The goods were found abandoned customs, police said. Police from Malaysia and naresakumara pradhananga Roshan Shrestha was arrested 4 telibhijanasahita. DIG Investigation Niraula some traders return from abroad goods Nepali passengers are dealt with abuse of customs evasion has been seen. Away from abroad to return workers to communicate your luggage to and from the airport, saying he left the luggage collection of trend information to explain the customs would come arrested.