Sending workers to Malaysia Open

KATHMANDU, 23 July - Malaysia diaper has been opened again to send. Foreign workers in Malaysia from August 1 to take the decision to open the news today Annapurna in printed. 

Now, representatives from 15 countries will be able to go to the workers there. Nearly seven months, stop sending workers to Malaysia, Nepal was hit the most. It is the most number of Nepalese workers to the country. Most of the remittances come to this country. 

 Malaysia no longer has to take the workers bangaladesabata. Earlier, Bangladesh is now also adding 14 source countries rakhiekoma the help of 15. Bangladesh to send workers to open Nepalis open after the loss has been relatively even. In the past, Bangladesh was closed the same reason paeka Nepali variety of opportunities. Free visa and tickets will be difficult to pratispardha bangaladesasamga entrepreneurs.